IntentAt Ashby Church of England Primary School, we endeavour to instil and inspire a natural curiosity and inquisitiveness of the ever-changing wonders of the world in which our children live and grow, enabling them to become part of a globally diverse community. As part of shaping and crafting our geography curriculum, we encourage our children to develop an appreciation and sense of environmental responsibility, responding and adapting to issues and events in their immediate locality, local area and wider world around them. Our aim is to generate excitement, creativity and critical thinking about the world in which they live with the skills and knowledge that will equip them to make and shape their own way within it. Thinking geographically, our children are encouraged to ask questions which deepen their understanding and knowledge of the world, as well as their own place within it. At Ashby Church of England Primary School we embark our children on a voyage of discovery as they acquire the skills and knowledge of a young geographer including: place and locational knowledge, human, physical and environmental knowledge, core skills in map reading and fieldwork. We aspire to promote a deepening understanding of this unique subject that combines both social and natural sciences and our inter-connectivity with this. “For me, Geography is a great adventure with a purpose.” Michael Palin. View the Geography Subject overview hereUseful Websites:
“You have filled my heart with greater joy” Psalm 4:7
Junior Chef of the year Competition
Deadline for entries has been extended to Wednesday 26th February. Collect an entry form from the School Of...
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Co-Headteachers: Mrs S Geeson and Mrs J Trahearn
Burton Road
Ashby de la Zouch
LE65 2LL
Tel: 01530 412243
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