At Ashby C of E Primary we are proud to have pupil representatives who take part in School Council meetings. Our School Council consists of a team of extremely pro-active, dedicated and enthusiastic children, democratically voted in by their peers, to represent the pupil’s voice. The members of the council take their roles very seriously and, as a result of their hard work, have orchestrated and coordinated positive changes within the school over a number of years.
Past projects have included the peace garden, leading school events and children also take a role in the interviewing of candidates for upcoming jobs in the school.
Our Vision
The School Council Vision Statements are as follows:
Our Councillors (2022-2023) are:-
Year 1 Eliana and George
Year 2 Alice and Leo
Year 3 Eliza-May and Theo
Year 4 Anna and Joey
Year 5 Bella and Chase
Year 6 Maria and Henry
We have lots of ideas of things we would like to do including a half termly school council ‘drop in’ session where children can air their ideas with the school councillors and re-instating the School Council Suggestion Box. The children are also keen to raise their profile by leading assemblies and fundraising.
Junior Chef of the year Competition
Deadline for entries has been extended to Wednesday 26th February. Collect an entry form from the School Of...
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Co-Headteachers: Mrs S Geeson and Mrs J Trahearn
Burton Road
Ashby de la Zouch
LE65 2LL
Tel: 01530 412243
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