This academic year Mrs Burrows (LKS2 lead), Mrs McDougall & Mrs Thompson and Mr Mathias will be teaching our Year 3 and Year 4 classes. Their work is supported by Mrs K. Thompson, Mrs Zwierzchowska, Mrs Lee, Mrs Shales and Mrs Poole, our classroom assistants.
Our curriculum is organised as part of a rolling programme of topics across Key Stage Two. Each topic, alongside English and Maths, contains a range of key skills, which enables links to be made across subjects - promoting creativity, independence and enjoyment. Maths and English are taught in classes, with spellings and phonics separated into relevant groups.
The children have weekly Guided Reading sessions with a member of staff. Some children will also read individually. They choose from a selection of books available from the School Library, which are appropriate to their reading and comprehension skills. Children may change their reading books anytime during the week, once they have completed them.
Curriculum Newsletters 2024/25
Curriculum Newsletters 2023/24
Year 3/4 Curriculum Newsletter - Summer Term 2024
Year 3/4 Curriculum Newsletter - Spring Term 2024
Year 3/4 Curriculum Newsletter - Autumn Term 2023
Each week your child will be asked to:
- Read at home.
- Learn their spellings, given out weekly on Mondays to be tested the following Monday. They should also be writing complex sentences to show their understanding.
- Use to improve their grammar, punctuation and spelling, when work is set.
- Learn their multipication tables, related division facts and number bonds for rapid recall. There will be a national online multiplication test in the summer term of Year 4, when all children are tested on tables up to and including 12x. Times Tables Rockstars should be used to help with this.
- Complete a piece of Maths homework handed out every other Monday, to be returned the following Monday.
- Complete online Maths homework when set on
- We also set half- termly creative homework, linked to one of our topics, which is completed over several weeks.
PE Kits
In Year 3/4 your child needs both an indoor and outdoor PE kit. The inside kit is a plain T-shirt in the colour of their house, dark blue or black shorts and black plimsolls. Outdoor kit consists of trainers, socks, a pair of dark tracksuit bottoms, a warm sweatshirt without a hood and the plain T-shirt in the colour of their house.
Please note that trainers are not allowed in the hall, nor are plimsolls suitable for the field. Also, when the weather is warm, shorts and T-shirt will be worn outside. All items, including PE bags and ordinary uniform, need to be labelled clearly with your child’s name. Please also ensure that any inhalers your child might need are in school and up to date.
BBC Bitesize and Oak National Academy Links
Junior Chef of the year Competition
Deadline for entries has been extended to Wednesday 26th February. Collect an entry form from the School Of...
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Co-Headteachers: Mrs S Geeson and Mrs J Trahearn
Burton Road
Ashby de la Zouch
LE65 2LL
Tel: 01530 412243
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